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Let Them Eat Cake!


No great meal is ever complete without a fabulous dessert. Now’s your chance to share your favorite AND earn volunteer hours! What could be sweeter?! Items can be homemade or store bought (purchased items must be $35 or more). Receive up to two parent involvement hours by contributing a special treat or two.*


Cakes, pies, platters of cookies and/or brownies… whatever you think will be tempting and shareable after the dinner. Include a name/description of your dessert and any potential allergies when you fill out the form. All desserts must be peanut free! Items that need to be refrigerated are discouraged due to limited refrigerator space.


Please bring your dessert(s) and dessert forms to the second grade classroom between 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM on the day of the Crab Feed & Auction. Note that all desserts turned in after that will not be eligible for volunteer hours. Platters and plates will not be returned.


If you have questions about desserts, reach out to Kelly Olazar ( 



*1 hour per dessert, 2 hours maximum.

Dessert Form

Please submit your dessert form by

Friday, January 31, 2025.

Dessert Form Closed
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